April 2022. This month is Climate Action month!
Although we may find it hard to see, each of us has a lot of power in making a change. And the second you realize this, is the second you become in power.
Why? Because every decision that we make impacts others and sends a message to the society on what we support. It’s like a vote every time. Our power to change things is everywhere in our daily life: it’s in what we decide to buy or not buy, what we decide to spend time on, which job we do, what we do with what we have (garbage?, repurpose? etc), how we react to situations, … You got it, it’s in every decision that we make! So by thinking carefully about the ethic of our decisions, we are more aware of our impact and can change it as we want.
Acting for the climate is acting for the people. These two go hand in hand. It’s about supporting sustainable systems for everything that needs to be done. This will benefit mother nature and all our fellow brothers and sisters around the world.
We all need to get around for multiple reasons every day.
Using bicycles (or any similar mobility device) respects our environment (and connects us with it!) while offering a really practical, fun and healthy experience.
There is a bicycle for everyone. Bicycles come in all shapes and sizes! Bicycles are customizable and they adapt to our needs.
Let’s get more people on bikes, more often!
We acknowledge that it can be scary to bike in the city. And we are asking our cities to make the streets more welcoming for people not in a car. Most of the space and priorities are given to drivers in cars. But car drivers can hardly co-live with people not in cars by nature (these multi-tones pieces of metals kill people even at small speeds, they isolate the driver from its surroundings creating an unsafe environment, they eat immense amounts of space compared to the service they provide, and so on) and cars are the least efficient mode in cities. That’s why we need to contain cars. Cities need to give priority to modes that benefit us all if we want them to flourish. Limiting cars will greatly improve quality of life in our cities and create a change very much needed to care for our planet and our people.
Ready San Francisco? Let make a change!